• Migrating pictures from OneDrive to Immich on TrueNAS Scale

    As I continue on my self-hosting journey, I decided to migrate my photos and videos from OneDrive to ensure my photos are stored safely, privately, and securely on my own server. After exploring various solutions, I chose Immich for its extensive features and, perhaps more importantly, its active development community.

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  • Backing up TrueNAS Scale to OneDrive

    Recently OneDrive was removed as a CloudSync provider for TrueNAS Scale. As I built my first NAS and use OneDrive for cloud storage, I was looking for alternate means to back up my NAS to OneDrive. I found individual pieces of possible solutions on the TrueNAS forums, but nothing approaching an end-to-end solution, so decided to do a write-up of what I ended up doing in hopes others may find it helpful as well.

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  • Building a NAS and Media Server for under $500

    Lately I’ve been realizing that purchased digital media isn’t really yours, and a recent event in particular sparked me into doing something I’ve been wanting to do for a while now: build a NAS to contain all my legally purchased digital media, digital backups of physical media, as well as personal documents and photos.

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  • Limited Parallelism Work Queue

    In the realm of asynchronous operations within C# applications, maintaining optimal performance often requires a delicate balance between execution and resource allocation. The need to prevent CPU oversubscription while managing numerous concurrent tasks is a common challenge faced by developers.

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  • Scripting Machine Setup

    Lately, I’ve found myself setting up multiple computers, and with Microsoft DevBox on the horizon, I anticipate working with “fresh” machines more frequently. Like many developers, I thrive in a familiar environment with my preferred tools and settings, as muscle memory kicks in and I can efficiently tackle any task. Unfortunately, the process of setting up a new machine can be quite cumbersome. To address this challenge, I took matters into my own hands and developed a script that streamlines the entire setup process for me.

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